The Little Things of March

Another collection of life’s bits and pieces.

Those first few afternoons in the sun

Well, there was this one beautiful afternoon during our holidays where we enjoyed T shirt weather.

One Sunny Afternoon

Finding a new show to watch.

While looking for Netflix shows to download for our wifi-less Spring Break escape, I came across Dr. Doctor Foster. In some sort of Freaky Saturday role reversal, Mr.SS6000 went to bed early and I stayed up watching the entire first season – without falling asleep!  It’s only five episodes, but still… 260 minutes! It’s been a long time since I TV’d past ten. Season 2 doesn’t have the same appeal, but maybe next Saturday at 11:30pm I will feel differently.

Glad I Stayed Awake: The Five, Imposters, Seven Seconds, Don’t Let Go

Should have gone to bed: Postcard Killings and Shimmer Lake we saw to the end, and are never getting that time back. Deadly Illusions (we regret even the thirty minutes we gave up to this)


Spring has bloomed with five new-to-me puzzles! Two from MCC, three through a Facebook puzzle exchange, and one gift from a friend. It’s nice to have socially acceptable antisocial addictions. My husband attributes this to a decline in neurotic crying, but he has trouble accepting the loss of a dining room table. And while doing a puzzle at the cabin, I thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook Midnight Library.

999 piece MCC find

Crib Victories

After a dry spell and a seemingly continuous flow of funds from my wallet to my husband’s, I finally won a crib tourney.

Happy Hours

Nothing compares to morning mimosas at a beach front resort. Mimosas for brunch with friends is easy but single servings at the Cabin is a little more tricky. Inspired by Mimosa memories, citrusy Craft beers, as well as my Mennonite “more with less” upbringing, I proudly offer you the Morning Miller Mimosa. (Sorry Mom, but it was actually Dad’s idea).

Miller High Life IS the champagne of beers.

Tracks in the snow

Cross country skiing on a frozen lake is my new favourite activity. This year the weather didn’t allow for as good an experience as last year, but I’m still thinking my downhill days are over. Then again, I love going out for an hour each day then returning to a book or puzzle. Another reason why I need to move.

Note to self: get boots that fit and prescription sunglasses.

Reuniting with My Friends

It might have been the buzz of packing up and returning home, or the melancholy of packing up and returning home or the joy of unlimited wifi, but last night I was up til 3am catching up with all my peeps at Seattle Grace and New Amsterdam, and the Million Little Things that go on in Boston. Having caught up on all the gossip, I could finally lay my head to rest at 3am. At 7am, my fur babies reminded me why 11pm is the New Late.

Leftover Leftovers

In a moment of Wisdom, I froze leftovers that made a lovely last dinner of Spring Break AND provide lunches for tomorrow. Leftover leftovers baked in a craptonne of cheese is one of the few leftovers Mr.SS6000 likes (as long as this tastes like spaghetti). This frees me up for another evening on the couch, spending some quality time with my foot massager. (Best Christmas present ever!)

Not so little things

Returning to work after a holiday is easier with a meal plan in place and a full fridge.  Oh, and I still have a student teacher and I have a prep block tomorrow morning. It’s okay if you hate me a little.

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